domingo, 2 de marzo de 2014

Guerra en Ucrania

The U.S. secretary of state. UU. said that Moscow could face an "economic isolation".

Russia could lose its place at the table of great powers, the G8, if he continues his "invasion" in Crimea, southern Ukraine peninsula, strongly warned Sunday the U.S. Secretary of State, John Kerry.
Kerry made ​​these warnings on morning 
shows major U.S. chains. Moscow also said it runs the risk of becoming "economic isolation" and suffer international "sanctions" if it does not withdraw its troops from Crimea.
Russian President Vladimir Putin, "could not have his (Room at the Top of the) G8 in Sochi, could not even go in the G8 if this continues," threatened the head of U.S. diplomacy in the 'NBC' chain.

"Russia chose to act aggressively, raising the question of Russia's role in the world and the desire to be a modern nation and a member of the G8," he said on ABC.
On Saturday night Kerry launched a stern warning to Moscow in a statement that slams "invasion and occupation" of Ukraine by Russia, threatening the "peace and security" in the region.
Again denounced the "rape" by Moscow of "sovereignty" and "territorial integrity" of Ukraine and international conventions, in particular the United Nations.

n the last hours, Ukraine announced the call for reservists after Russia threatened to intervene militarily in its territory, while Western countries analyzed alternatives to achieve the withdrawal of Russian troops in the Crimea.
Paid "a huge price" Kerry said, referring to Russia. "Russia is isolated. Not in a position of strength," said Kerry in 'NBC'.
However, the Secretary of State said: "The last thing we want is the military option in these situations want a peaceful solution.". "The United States and President (Barack Obama) currently contemplated all options are all on the table," he told the 'ABC' chain.
"We are on the brink of disaster"
Ukraine on Sunday announced the mobilization of reservists after the "declaration of war" from Russia, at a time when Western powers were seeking a solution to the conflict with Moscow. "If President (Russian Vladimir) Putin wants to be the president who started a war between two neighbors and friends, is about to achieve his goal. We are on the brink of disaster," said Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatseniuk. "It's not a threat, it is in fact a declaration of war against my country," he estimated. "We demand to President Putin to withdraw its armed forces," he added. (See also: Ukraine puts forces on alert, warns of war)

Ukraine puts forces on alert, warns of war

On Saturday afternoon Ukraine put its armed forces on combat alert and warned Russia that any military intervention in the country may lead to war.
After more than three-hour meeting with the heads of security and defense, the chairman, Oleksander Turchinov, said there is no justification for what he called Russian aggression against his country.
The Acting President also announced that the security of nuclear sites and airports was reinforced.
"A military intervention would be the beginning of a war and the end of any relationship between Russia and Ukraine," he told reporters.

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